Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ayala Triangle Park lights

I heard that today is the grand opening of the refurbished Ayala Triangle Park. The other night, I, together with the 6:30pm wave of professionals rushing home from work, emerged from the underpass linking both sides of Paseo de Roxas, to a spectacular sight. The wallboards surrounding the Ayala Triangle Park in recent weeks have been removed, bringing to view hundreds of firelights dangling on trees in a beautifully landscaped garden.

The yellow cordon was still in place, preventing people from entering the park, and last-minute arrangements were being done. But I'm sure it's going to be a lovely place once opened. It already took my breath away. Funny, I was behind this guy with long hair, eyeglasses, blazer, and carrying a backpack and laptop bag and was obviously in a hurry. Going where, I don't know, but he was in a real hurry, he almost bumped into the three men in front of him upon stepping on the escalator.

Guess what, when he surfaced into the dreamy garden, all thoughts of speed and destination vanished. He slackened his pace -- I almost collided into him this time -- and stopped completely, gazing at the lights in awe. While I continued to walk slowly, still admiring the view, he had dropped out of the rushing wave. Last I saw him, he was standing there beside the cordon line, staring. And I never saw him walk past me after that. 

This garden has that kind of effect. I wonder how it would have felt lying down in the middle of that park last night, counting the meteor shower.... Wow!

I wonder what's in store for the grand opening? I sure would like to see. I'll be passing that way again tonight -- as I do every single night. Join me. =)  

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I'm Sooo Back!!!

I really don't recall why I stopped blogging. Was I b usy? Had too much work? A lot happening in my life? I have totally no recollection...